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A Cheaper solution to setup and run websites.

OD Computers is a no-nonsence web development company helping people host their own business websites with the minimum of costs and hassle.

The pricing per site is initially  99 for the first year, and 85 per year ongoing.
This includes :

Setting up the website.
Domain Registration and renewals.
Domain Hosting. (365*24)
Ongoing updates (4 times a year).
Written to be Search Engine (SEO) friendly

Why spend hundreds on Web Design and hosting ? We expect most of the site content be written by the customer, and the customer chooses the domain name and style in which the website should be displayed.  We'll do the coding and setup afterwards.

We will talk you though the process and payment will take place only once the Website is online

Please contact Cathal on the Contact Page to discuss your requirements.

                               Some sample sites we have created.

                                                                                                                              Copyright OD Computers Web Design 2013